Eunice Annabel or Xiaxue — who is more desperate ?

Published August 14, 2014 by Xiaxue Police



Who is Eunice Annabel ?



Long story short – she’s a blogger with Gushcloud, and the latest target for cyberstalking and cyberbullying by Xiaxue.


With quite a mysterious resemblance to Dawn Yang with whom Xiaxue has been embroiled in a love-hate, bitter-sweet relationship for such a long time, I guess the temptation to obsess over Eunice was hard to resist.

While Xiaxue was almost unheard of a decade ago at 20 , Eunice has already at 20 made it as Embassadors of Maybelline and Sunsilk, a model, actress and more …

But is that enough to make her a “celebrity” blogger ?


Apparently not so for Xiaxue, who sent out this strong protest after a frenzy outburst.



“ If you are famous, people AUTOMATICALLY know who you are ”


Automatically ??

Look who’s pointing fingers – let’s see if Xiaxue walks the talk.

Did Xiaxue automatically become famous ?





For Xiaxue, she had to do something drastic to single herself out, make up for her height deficiency, and feed her obsession for fame.

Even her various blog awards failed to yield her desired attention, and aggravated by plastic surgery failures, her next plan is to subject her hair to painstaking bleach rituals every other week in order to achieve striking hair colors that would make it impossible for people not to notice her everywhere she went.

Sounds good.

Just one small problem though ….

That’s not automatic … That’s DESPERATE !


Without those flamboyant hairdos, would people automatically recognize her looking like this ?




If you think major hair transformations have been her only saving grace to stardom, think again.

About a decade ago when she was a less-known blogger, Xiaxue invented her own fan webpage promoting HERSELF as a “celebrity” and “superstar”.




Years later in 2010 when she was already a famous blogger having amassed many sponsorships, awards and even having hosted her own TV show, Xiaxue was STILL not contented with her amount of fame .




So absorbed was she lusting after fame, even to the point of crossing the line to ABUSING it, that she probably did not even notice how disintegrated and divided a team Nuffnang has been reduced to — due to her sowing discord among her peers Dawn Yang, Kay Kay, Silver Ang and Peggy Heng — and leaving just about 4 remaining main players that basically make up what Nuffnang represents today.





Who cares about being a brand embassador…. and what for attach the dreaded “C” word to their names and risk provoking Xiaxue when she’s able to make these sycophant blogger friends famous Celebrities automatically simply by being seen hanging out with them often.









Having exhausted all available desperate measures to establish her popularity notoriety, and STILL deeply rooted in dissatisfaction, Xiaxue was left growing increasingly insecure over the popularity of other famous bloggers.


……. especially Dawn Yang. ( Aiyo, this name again )






Ironically, years before , Xiaxue herself never minced words when she made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that Dawn is “very very sizzling hot ” and very famous, and that people are jealous of her due to “that ugly J word”.





It’s mind-boggling how Xiaxue would take the liberty to go through exceeding lengths to speak so highly of Dawn Yang like a smitten fan just to defend her name and popularity…. and then years later make a complete U-turn and use the exact same reason (that ugly J word) , to insult her and defame her and ended up getting sued !

I cannot fathom how much more she can outdo herself in this Hypocrites department, for even her love-hate relationship with best friend Kay-Kay seems to pale in comparison to any of this !

As a matter of fact, Dawn Yang is so popular till today that she gets recognized in places she wasn’t even there.


Read this -–


But Xiaxue hates it.

Her intense feelings of insecurity and insane jealousy – “that ugly J word” – resents Eunice Annabel for the same reason she resents Dawn Yang who EFFORTLESSLY won the “Hottest blogger “ competition and consequently made several magazine cover girl debuts.






NO WAY is Xiaxue going to keep her mouth shut and wallow in self-pity while competitors are having it EASY PEASY !

She hates it when bloggers GET to call themselves “celebrity” when they don’t have to bleach their hair to make up for shortfalls ( pun intended ) , create their own celebrity fan pages , have no special connections with her , don’t have to get their mothers to scour for sponsorships for them , don’t have to plead with and bribe followers to vote for them to win awards , or pull whatever other desperate stunts found under the sun as Xiaxue has pulled to stay in the limelight.




Meanwhile, Eunice Annabel is walking away probably having the last laugh ……








And while Xiaxue may also pride herself in making it as a cover girl ONCE on what she called the “largest circulating magazine in Singapore” …





The magazine is nowhere to be found in Singapore anymore as the title had been pulled off the shelf !










Nominated to take part in the ALS Ice Bucket challenge, Xiaxue reluctantly completed the challenge and started having regrets doing it ONLY AFTER feeling pressure to donate.





Never mind the refusal to donate by this “Asia Pacific’s Top blogger” whose has probably by now hoarded substantial sponsorships that could easily run up to $ 2 – 300,000 according to her own braggings – ranging from wedding, vacations, car, house renovations, diamond ring, baby products and more … .

And when other bloggers get sponsorships without her knowledge – such as Dawn Yang’s room renovations by Qeeple and Eunice Annabel’s embassadorships – her protests will not follow without outbursts of insults, name-calling and profanities such as this ……





But did you know that as recently as August 2014, Xiaxue made a surprise appearance on TV ?

Not just any TV show, but a show that was SPECIFICALLY slated as a “Celebrity CHARITY Show”!






This was a game show that had celebrities ask other celebrities trick questions about Singapore and whatever amounts won by giving correct answers (or wrong answers) were donated to charity.

No prizes for guessing Xiaxue’s true and hidden intentions for showing up on TV in a CHARITY show when she knows that she hates giving to charities – she knew it wouldn’t be a decision she will regret for not a single cent of her own will be lost as she was just asking the questions, and this will be a rare chance to appear on TV with other real celebrities and share the limelight with them. Yet another desperate (and hypocritical) attempt at publicity.






Contrast that with Dawn Yang’s appearance on TV a few months earlier in January 2014 – a “Say The Word” game show – which was specifically NOT a charity show – yet Dawn seemed have already planned ahead and made it clear from the beginning of the show that she will donate her personal winnings to charity.




Her blog post with video here :-







43 comments on “Eunice Annabel or Xiaxue — who is more desperate ?

  • She cannot make it lah.. Even Miss Piggy is more automatic famous than her. How long she going to bleach hair? Sooner or later Botak burn some more. People going to laugh at her. Go back to Geylang, some ah peks need cheap prostitutes. Sponsors also can…

  • I don’t think she’s top blogger in singapore anymore. Roy Ngern claims to be getting 1 mil hits per day. He has done a lot of good for all Singapreans by fighting for our CPF and now PM Lee has agreed to release it. What about XX? what has she done for Spore and Sporeans? STUPID BITCH!!!! Greedy for sponsorships, greedy for awards and fame> PUI!!!!! FUCK YOU MORON!!!!!! You and your husband are useless bums!!!!! Take you whole family and go commite suicide. SPIT ON YOUR BLOODY PLASTIC FACE !!!!

    • don’t blame her, this retarded son of bitch only know how to paint her face in PAP logo n wayang like a clown for attention. Blame the useless opposition leaders Low Thia Kiang and Sylvia Lim who never said a single word, left Roy to fight everything on his own. Only know how to sit in parliament to get salary of 16k every month but accomplish nothing … must kick them out in next GE 2016.

  • Wendy crying on the social media platforms she uses about people being so mean to her and his son on the internet, she needs to be reminded that she is just as equally worse or far worse as the people who she finds mean and desperate. She lives in lalaland so little miss gecko thinks she’s an exception.

    She is such a bad representation of Singapore, giving off a bad impression.

  • XX’s a blogger for 11 years and still fighting with people, fighting for sponsorships and fame. Sara Shantelle Lim is only 1 year+ in blogging and she can get $40,000 worth of birthday sponsorships easily through emails. How come? I beleive it’s becos Sara is not desperate, gives to charities and has good relations with people and sponsors respect her. She and Eunice Annable have found themself a new follower.

    • Sara shantelle lim is a cheap plastic slut that sleeps around with men. Most of the men in her face book …she had slept with them. She is a filthy shameless slut that goes all the way out to hook Men by offering to suck their dick. .and take off her barely there clothes when she shamelessly bend over to offer a kiss when she’s offered a ride home (how cheap can this slut give! )

      • Fuck you. Stop badmouthing her. She’s a nice lady with a very kind heart. You must be one of those haters who’s jealous of her good looks and probably envious of her achievements and what she has. Go get a life and stop making up bs to defame others.

  • I had a bad experience with Xiaxue today over the ALS water bucket challenge. On her Instagram she proclaimed to not care about charity or anything that didn’t affect her and so would not donate. Even though on Click network her and 3 others did the challenge. Anyone who proceeded to ask her to have some compassion and tried to explain the merits of charities for illness was given a rude reply and then blocked. She said she didn’t care what people thought and then proceeded to read every comment and reply to them. Crazy woman.

  • xiaxue used to wear pink all the time, now b&w and other colors to advertise for blogshops and she look so fake and desperate. trying to look cute but not cute. tring to act like model but head is so big, legs so short and crooked. she look like Thai trnsvestite & the clothings look awful on her. super fake!

  • Yes Xiaxue your ass hair is a celebrity. Can bleach for us to see? No wonder your talentless friends like to kiss it. Btw your name is also a celebrity in porn sites.. is that why porn sites are always known as XXXX sites?

  • Xiaxue exposed when being typed on google search bar doesn’t autocomplete and doesn’t show up under the search predictions anymore. It was working just fine 2-3 weeks ago. When I type ‘xiaxue ex’ (doing so made ‘xiaxue exposed’ appear under search predictions) the google search bar would autocomplete to ‘xiaxue exposed’ but now it’s all gone. Is it just me experiencing this?

  • After all this years, XX is still holding so much jealousy and bitterness over DY. Just because she appeared on the cover of 8DAYS magazine, she’s gloating and insulting Dawn again. But what about all the SOLO coverage of Dawn in FHM & Stuff magazines. The only magazine which XX appeared solo on the cover has gone down (Lifestyle magazine)!!! XX is a JINX!!!! Even her pet bunny was more worthy than her but she has abandaoned it or it probably collapsed and died of abuse and embarrassement for being so ugly like her. She asked what happened to Dawn? Well, Dawn is living in a high-class bungalow in prime estate of Bukit Timah only fit for rich people whereas XX is living in a opposition run-down ward of Hougang public housing where you find one of the most cheapest housing in Spore. DY is also a Mensa member and a university scholar of NYU. Beauty with brains!

    • Her ass-kissing friends are all NOBODIES. The Ah-Kua guy sitting near her ass is from China, the Malaysian bitch on the left cannot even write proper English even XX must be laughing behind her back and the Indian girl on top with black hair, I’ve no idea who she is, that’s why she’s also a NOBODY and all this ass-kissing friends never appear in any magazine cover even one time. Maybe they can try kissing the ass of magazine editors since XX is not doing a good job of making them famous nuff…

  • Do you think your husband is proud of you? Mike Sayre looks tense and unhappy most of the time, as though you’re forcing him to do things. Look at Audrey Ooi and Timothy Tiah. They look like a relaxed and happy couple who enjoy doing things together even volunteer work. Same with many other couples. When was the last time Mike did something or bought something for you voluntarily? True love doesn’t exist by hiring a fake face reader to tell you exactly what you want to hear. Ask yourself whether Mike love you or your sponsorships. Will he stay with you and support you financially should the need arise? Or will he pack his bags and return to his hometown? Go ahead and ask him these questions and share with us his response, instead of always posting Dashie pics and sponsored posts hoping that no one will notice your underlying marital problems.

  • Check out the comments trail on the 8days magazine instagram, the post of her magazine cover. xx took direct personal attacks on DY, once again stooping lower than she already is.

    • Thanks for bringing to our attention – I just read the comments.

      However, Xiaxue is having nasty exchanges with people on a daily basis, it’s difficult to keep up as I’m not her frequent follower anymore. In fact, after my first blog post more than a year ago (“Xiaxue the Cyber Thief”), I completely stopped following her until I started receiving complaints about her, such as her defamatory blog post about Gushcloud.

      In this particular heated argument between XIaxue and Dawn Yang, I noticed Xiaxue mentioned that she became famous simply by blogging and boasted that she did nothing else to achieve fame.

      First of all, let’s not forget that she was closely tagging on the fame of KAY KAY for a long time before their relationship turned sour. Kay Kay was a top FHM model and one of the most famous Singapore celebrities. Xiaxue even used her to make a kissing video as her other videos were not getting a million hits she aimed for. Did blogging alone helped her achieve fame as she claims ?

      Secondly, Xiaxue should be reminded of her own words about Dawn Yang – that Dawn is “someone already famous” and that “Dawn’s blog is not her primary engine that made her an icon.”

      That’s right, Xiaxue was a big fan of Dawn and described Dawn as an ‘Icon” – and according to dictionary – “Icon” is “a person who is very successful and admired”, “a widely known symbol”.

      Why would Xiaxue challenge Dawn to come back to the limelight when it’s not possible for an “Icon” to lose the limelight in the first place ?

      Here is something Xiaxue said in her hate site she created of Dawn many years ago :

      “How many more secrets do you have Dawn? I am going to be digging for them, one-by-one, until the the day you apologize, and DISAPPEAR FOREVER from the limelight you never deserved.”

      Xiaxue would like to imagine that Dawn has disappeared from the limelight and become a nobody, wouldn’t she ?

      Xiaxue also alleged that Dawn “reveals her boobs whenever possible”.

      Unless Xiaxue wants us to believe that she’s lying again, can she provide us with links that will prove her allegation ?

      She also gloated that Dawn went to Taiwan to seek fame but nothing came out of it.

      Well Xiaxue, how many Interior designers and contractors did your MOTHER approach to ask for sponsorship for you ?

      From what I heard, some contractors your MOTHER approached declined to sponsor you as they’d never heard of Xiaxue.

      Did Xiaxue said she became famous just by blogging alone ?

      If Xiaxue wants to assume entire credit to herself for her fame and success without crediting third parties like Kay Kay and her mother, how is she any better than a plagiarizer ?

      And finally, with regards to her keen observation that Dawn is still single and living with her parents – is living with parents so bad compared to moving away from her single parent to co-habitate with a man years before marriage when she wasn’t even sure if he will marry her eventually ?

      Once again, I don’t expect this Most Influential blogger to respond to any of my awkward questions at all. I understand that these things can be embarrassing secrets that Xiaxue never wanted people to find out.

      • She moved out of her mother’s house coz the divorced sad old slut was entertaining horny old men at home and xx was jealous.

      • So much commotion for a magazine that lasted in the newsstands for only one week?!
        Great cyberbully keyboard warrior but total coward and fake in person!

      • Sorry to disappoint you xiaxue, but seriously you will never be happy even if Dawn is no longer a social media star and disappears from the limelight.. You will still be stalking Dawn’s private life and envying her glamorous lifestyle becos everything Dawn can afford on her own can only come to you by chasing after free sponsorships like a possessed mad woman dripping with saliva.

        Since you are able to pervert and corrupt the Bible very well to attack Dawn, allow me to share a true Bible story. God asked Solomon what he wanted and Solomon asked God for nothing more than wisdom, and according to the Bible

        2 Chronicles 1:11-12
        God said to Solomon, “Since this is your heart’s desire and you have not asked for wealth, possessions or honor, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king, therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you. And I will also give you wealth, possessions and honor, such as no king who was before you ever had and none after you will have.”

        This God that gave Solomon what he asked, ‘wisdom’, also gave him what he didn’t ask, ‘wealth, possessions, honor’, until Solomon became the wealthiest man on earth. Bear in mind that the God of Solomon is the same God that Dawnyang worships today, even if she disappears from the limelight as you are wishing so badly, her God will know how to use alternative ways to shower her with wealth and prosperity unlike you xiaxue, who is so hooked on internet with no other way to find fame, fortune and happiness as you worship the devil and satan is gleefully waiting to roast you like bbq you in hell.

      • Dawn has a degree from a prestigious Univ and experience in building up a successful business. Who wouldn’t want to hire her? She can easily find a job if she wants not only in Singapore but in the US or elsewhere. She knows her self-worth and is confident of herself. Even if XX wins Miss Universe pagent (for dwarfs), Dawn will never be jealous. So XX can stop wasting her time trying to make Dawn jealous. XX is uneducated and talentless, what can she do beside blogging? In fact there’s news going on now that our internet is slowing down due to some broken undersea cable. I’m going to miss DawnYang if there’s no internet one day.

      • is it just me or did i see a piggy face on the top last picture with orange hair? i really cant tell any difference between that face and a cheebye babi face. Can see where dashole get his looks.

      • When XX is unhappy, I am happy. The more she attacks Dawn, the more she’s giving us opportunity to insult her back AND her family. If I ever see XX near Blk 128, 02-302, I will punch her plastic nose and menstruate into her son’s mouth before I cut off his penis and stick it into her filthy mouth! You mess with DawnYang, you mess with us. Let this be a warning to you, pathetic WHORE!

      • Is XX aware that she has violated the Sedition Act by twisting the bible and offending some Christians? It will take just one complaint to the police for them to summon her for questioning. I can sense that XX was very nervous when Dawn came to the 8 days site, even though Dawn tried to be as polite as possible, XX was extremely rude and nasty and the seditious remark was totally uncalled for.

    • Can come up wit something new to insult dawn? U’re so lame and retarded, why not come up wif something new n creative. Nobdy cares about plagiarism etc. anymore except you. U sound like retarded grandmother suffering from dementia. Maybe if you stop sucking your son’s dick so much, your brain will start working.

  • Honestly I don’t know why this midget has so many fans… it seems like most of her fans ste badly influenced by her, like they can’t have a mind of their own.

  • I was feasting my eyes on Dawn’s cover girls pics and as I scrolled down to XX’s pic I was like “Eeeewww what’s dat?” and even my dog Dash ran away! Look like HANTU!

  • If XX can call herself “most influential” blogger, why can’t Eunice call herself “celebrity” blogger. Of course XX can claim that it was a title given to her by Nuffnang and people voted for her. Can Eunice also claim that it was a title given to her by Gushcloud and people voted for her? If not, why not???

  • Honrstly I think I’m starting to dislike Dawn a little bit, because she claims to be Christian but she posed half naked on Maxim, and having a wild party girl lifestyle. It’s like she’s separating Christianity from her daily life, and that’s so not cool.

    • How about you Sonia? Are you a Christian and how much do you know the Bible? Don’t judge a book by its cover. Pastor Sun Ho did something worse by dancing around in half naked clothes but even then I will not judge her. Only God has the right to judge anyone. If you know the Bible, even Jesus was attending parties. He was always hanging around prostitutes to forgive them and help them. He never condemned anyone. Who are we to condemn? Some people just want to pick on Dawn just because she’s a Christian. Like XX always spreading lies and gossip about Dawn sleeping with old men and harping on her past over and over again but she never has anything to comment about all the good things Dawn has done.

      • That’s not what I meant. Of course she can go to parties, but she’s hanging w rich old men, and she made a big lie by saying Xiaxue did more surgeries than her, wc isn’t true. If she doesn’t wanna talk about her surgeries, that’s fine, but don’t lie on top of it.

  • XX has always hated her black hair, and yes she does look great in blonde or colored hair, but instead of hypocritically criticising other bloggers for calling themselves celebrity, she should first admit herself honestly that she’s a desperate celebrity wannabe. She knows that without all her hair dyes, no one would give this chinese shortie ah lian a second glance even with a billion followers. She boasts many things about herself including being honest but clearly there are loopholes. Just because she doesn’t call herself celebrity doesn’t mean she’s not desperate. Almost everything she does and says stinks of desperation including exploiting her son to make money. Which true celebrity has exploited their children like that? Her ass kissing bloggers are also desperate and they know it. Unlike bloggers like Dawn Yang, Kay Kay, Peggy Heng and Lady Iron Chef who became successful and famous on their own, this friends of XX have no choice but to kiss her ass.

    • I have deleted your other comments for a reason. I don’t appreciate your accusations, name-calling and insults against me. However I do understand your concerns so please bear with me while I come up with a new blog post to address your concerns. It’s only going to embarrass Xiaxue even more, but you asked for it.

  • @Tissue: Well duh you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know why she’s in cars riding w old men AND on dates w married men WITH kids. If she cares about her image so much she should at least be careful what her actions might convey even if other people could be wrong. And I don’t think she handles her surgery issues well anyway. HOW COULD YOU LIE BY SAYING XIAXUE DID MORE SURGERIES THAN YOU?

  • Seems like XX is obsessed with Dawn’s boobs. Previously she also wrote a blog post spreading lies about her boobs now she saying seditious things. Does XX’s bucket list item contain everything about Dawn so that she can outdo her? Dawn must be her inspiration then.

  • LOL THIS BLOG IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EFFING OBVIOUS IS WRITTEN BY DAWN YANG. maximum self praise and chop slam wendy. Trying so hard to ride on the stupid SMRT SHITBACK expose saga. TRY HARDER DAWN TRY HARDER. Not scared to be get exposed again meh?? lol

  • Of course Wendy is more desperate. She’s a white man dick sucker. She’s ashamed of being Chinese and want to look like Angmo. Her son Dash, she like to call him cockasian not Chinese. Mike is a freeloader and doesn’t love her. He only love her free holidays.

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