Attacking Xiaxue’s family — is it justified ?

Published November 6, 2014 by Xiaxue Police



Nobody in their right mind will disagree that attacking innocent family members is inexcusable and cruel.

If only Xiaxue had understood that principle and acted as a responsible social media influencer , this blog post wouldn’t even have come about.


It’s no use crying over spilled milk … (pun intended for Xiaxue’s fans throwing tantrums ) .

Mean comments will always spam internet sites each day especially where Xiaxue talk thrives. She makes no secret about her love affair with haters and while she’s able to fight back and refute some comments, she’s left with no choice but ignore many others including mean comments about her baby.


Has she lost control ?

What provokes haters to excel at what they’re doing and get away with it ?


This post explores these issues in response to complaints about mean comments targeting Xiaxue’s innocent baby.

First of all, Xiaxue should have exercised foresight and given due consideration to the reputation of and possible backlash against her offspring before she decided to make “bitching” her lifelong career goal.



One perfect example of her own “bitching” that became directly responsible for her own innocent baby being bullied and insulted :-



What exactly was Xiaxue apologizing for ?

– for insulting Kanya West and his unborn child , or for her incoherent writing blunder – “confirmed not cute” then shifting to “I didn’t think it”.

If she didn’t think it and didn’t mean it , then why apologize ?


The answer is obvious – she was finally feeling the backlash of her bitching and was forced to utter an insincere apology only because people were beginning to call her own baby ugly.

Bitch power backfired.


Secondly, I believe that Xiaxue has made it fairly clear that she won’t allow herself to be upset, so her fans have nothing to worry about really.



Thirdly, may I draw readers’ attention to the abysmal level Xiaxue herself stooped when she LITERALLY held some haters’ family photos HOSTAGE in her blog and demanded a RANSOM in the form of Apologies.



She demanded that they BEG her to remove the photos too !
All for what – for calling her a prostitute among other things.


Can we really blame the haters for having such a low opinion of her when she herself openly and shamelessly boasted on NATIONAL TV that she’d had 52 ex-boyfriends ?

She even had no qualms admitting on the show that some of her “boyfriends” were just internet trolls and pen pals she’d never met before – and that’s precisely why netizens find this puny attention-seeker such an easy and fun target to mock and ridicule !




PORN Star blogger – probably that’s not quite the impression she intended to make (or did she ? ) – but netizens received the wrong signal anyway. Can we really blame them when she keeps sending the wrong signals ?



Has anyone not wondered why Xiaxue alone seems to keep getting vehement hate comments of epic proportions compared to any other blogger ?

Make no mistakes. Secretly, she WANTS to be bullied, she wants to be ridiculed, she wants to be hated … You know why ?


So that she can make sensational blog posts out of being a (staged) cyberbully victim and hog more limelight – by setting herself up for obscene criticisms , then hypocritically crying foul like an innocent virgin to grab attention and multiply her blog hits.




Besides flirting with internet prowls and having her modesty outraged , did it also not occur to Xiaxue that no moral woman will loosely and frequently call other women “slut” or “whore” if she does not want others to think the same way about her ?



Maintaining an impressive record of imaginary haters by acting as a helpless victim shedding crocodile tears and honing her skills in hypocrisy is a fine way of squatting at the top for Xiaxue the Pseudo-celebrity.


Whether you’re Dee Kosh or Peter Coffin, whether you’re some Anti-PAP antagonists or Australian protesters, or some gurugossipers or public toilet vandal — YOU are the kind of audience Xiaxue is looking for. You are the special group of people that possess the expertise to help push her blog hits to unprecedented heights and stretch her fame. YOU are her magic cure for writer’s block and laziness. There are No epic posts without YOU. You add drama to her uneventful life. YOU give her opportunities to express profanities and make her feel like a powerful bitch. YOU keep her blog alive and kicking when it’s otherwise just mundane ads pages.


How many other bloggers can boast of having a remarkable history of haters like Xiaxue ?


(Excerpt from ‘The New Paper’ story about Xiaxue in August 2014)


Doesn’t Xiaxue sound like an over-zealous blogger who overstepped her boundaries and INVITED haters into her real life ?

On the one hand, she desires for haters and simply cannot live without them. On the other hand, when they do show up a tad too close for her comfort , she panics and complains about her non-existent “boundaries” being trespassed.

Here’s an idea – why not come up with a “’Xiaxue’s Guide to Hating’ , an “Idiot’s Guide to Hating” by Xiaxue – setting some clear boundaries if she’s too COWARDLY to meet her haters face-to-face or receive phones calls from them ?



When her son Dash is targeted, she is quick to pounce on their motives.

But when She targets other people’s wives and children , she feigns ignorance and innocence.


The family photos are still being held hostage in her blog this day. Must she punish entire families for the mischief of some blokes ?

Do not be dismayed by their refusal to apologize. Except for Xiaxue’s ignorant fans and Women’s Rights Group of Singapore ‘AWARE’ , the rest of Singapore had no sympathy for Xiaxue whatsoever.

Why else would the bemused blokes adamantly refuse to apologize even when she begged them to beg her – could it be because they think that the puny attention-seeker deserves to be insulted ?

Truth be told — it wasn’t apologies Xiaxue was quite looking for — that was just for sympathy votes. She’s aware that it’s almost impossible for her to gain anyone’s respect anyway !

What she was looking for really was extensive media coverage of her ‘tragedy’ , front-page breaking news, complete with her photos and all … and SHE GOT IT !


Xiaxue claimed that she was targeted only because she’s a proud PAP supporter. If that was entirely true, then what’s HER excuse for calling Nicole Seah a “whore” ? Let me guess, Nicole is a proud Opposition supporter ?

Did Nicole Seah rallied her election campaigns talking about penis and blowjobs or some 52 ex-boyfriends for her to deserve a “whore” stamp of rejection ?


I wonder what ‘AWARE’ has to say now about Xiaxue the attention-seeking hypocrite.



So dear juvenile fans of Xiaxue, the next time I approve a comment that insults Xiaxue’s family , you might want to think about Xiaxue’s arrogant and high-handed retaliatory actions, abuse of influential power and belated fake apology just to silence her critics.


Xiaxue prides herself in being a famous cyberbully , and cyber attacks against her vulnerable loved ones should not take her by surprise at all. She knew all along what she was getting them into but was determined to risk it anyway for selfish reasons.

While any good family woman, wife, mother and daughter will not hesitate to make sacrifices to protect her family’s interest and reputation , Xiaxue rebelliously treaded controversial paths in her relentless pursuit for fame and fortune , resting in false confidence that everything’s hunky-dory , there’s no backlash she cannot handle , no attacks she cannot defeat.

Don’t even get me started on the number of times she runs amok with her favorite F-word. They’re only getting bigger and louder! A quick twitter search of Xiaxue’s account threw up “more than 100 matches” – no other blogger I researched has close to this record (and this does not even include blogs, facebook, instagram) – confirming my point that no effort whatsoever has been made by Xiaxue to reverse her notoriety, dispel negative stereostypes nor protect her family’s dignity.




Don’t push blame on me for publishing mean comments about Xiaxue’s family. In all her SUPERIORITY as “Asia Pacific’s Top blogger” , “Most Influential blogger” as well as “mensa genius” according to herself , Xiaxue must surely be able to come up with creative defences on her own than having her juvenile fans make paltry excuses on her behalf.

Rather, begin to appreciate the FREEDOM OF SPEECH that readers and I have every right to practice – the same freedom of speech that Xiaxue hypocritically advocates by recklessly dishing out defamatory, offensive or vacuous blog posts – while robbing readers of THEIR freedom of speech by blocking whoever refuses to agree with her, leaving commenters often having to tiptoe around her foul moods.





(Screenshot from Xiaxue’s blog)


I’m all for protecting a blogger’s right to freedom of speech – but what about stupidity ?

Does Nuffnang protect a blogger’s stupidity and hypocrisy as well ?

How many times must an unapologetic defamer receive lawsuit threats before she will wake up to her senses that EXTREME free speech comes with a heavy price ?



Is this what Nuffnang calls “professionalism” ? – especially of one who brags about being a mensa genius based on a test taken 20 years ago (and then left school at 18 with below average results).




In conclusion, I urge readers to respond with impartiality and intelligence when writing comments rather than using speculations, gossip and rumors , backing up allegations with proof / links / sources .

I do not condone attacking Xiaxue’s innocent family members but neither will I spare them the trouble given the deplorable reputation Xiaxue has willfully built up for herself to satisfy her greed for fame.

I choose to publish nasty comments about her family not because I want to even any score with her, but because I know that there’s nothing she can do to stop me ……

…… unless of course she begged me !


She got HERSELF into the mess by compromising her own family’s dignity – the onus entirely lies on her to find ways to get out of it. I am not obligated to cover up for her nor clean up her mess for her by deleting mean comments about her family ……

…… unless of course she begged me !


Who said that free speech can only be worshipped on the grounds that Xiaxue blogs on ?


Three long blog posts and more than a year later, I have yet to receive ONE SINGLE COMMENT that had a constructive criticism to offer to show support for Xiaxue.

NOT ONE SINGLE COMMENT that hints of anything good in defence of her.


Not even from her cronies who I assume bear daunting obligations toward Xiaxue to defend her at all costs and die-die stick with her if they want to be as famous as Dawn Yang.





Sordid confession by Xiaxue’s former friend, Yan Kay Kay the ass-kisser ….. I mean, tongue-kisser !




Apparently this is how Nuffnang bloggers strive to get to the top – ass-kissing, tongue-kissing, hating, bitching, sabotaging each other …. with Xiaxue being champion of all things unethical !


In response to comments that I’m “too free and have nothing better to do”, I have already addressed this issue in the comments section of my earliest blog post.






20 comments on “Attacking Xiaxue’s family — is it justified ?

  • Xiaxue face looks like going to explode nowadays.. Her eyes are so swollen like she crying whole night and her nose has penis shape.


  • Why is this rotten bitch still alive? I thought by now she had choked to death by having 2 cocks at one go…. that’s how big her mouth is. Don’t tell me even satan hates her and doesn’t want her in hell. Doesn’t he like blowjobs?

  • I ask you. Kenya West is grumpy face. Nicole Seah is grumpy face. Xiaxue?? Mike? Dash?? Cuntie Doris?? Which one is not grumpy face!

    Other blogger’s husbands are bringing their wives for holidays, buying things for them and winning awards. Mikey?? Shaking legs at home wating for his next free holiday from his wife. I know XX is closely following gurugossip forum. When Mickey was criticised that he never spend time with the son and another man is bringing Dash for swimming, suddenly you see Mickey in the swimmnig pool with Dash, even then his sour grumpy face is still there. Is XX forcing him to do things just to fake that he’s not such a bad husband?

  • Great read. I hope our youngsters are smart enough not to stoop so low by following such a person that is full of herself and who loosely calls others whore or slut….

  • XIAXUE did not only create hate ste of Dawn using stolen wifi and password, she didn’t only create fan page for herself, but you know what? She also created multiple fake twitter ‘xiaxuefan” accounts for herself and used it to attack KK. Gosh I wish I took screenshots. The horrible vulgar language was all there… exactly how xiaxue writes. She’s a coward that will never confront anyone face-2-face but create fake accounts to attack people behind her computer.

  • For years xiaxue taunted and insulted dawnyang for plagiarizing many years ago, now she has been caught red-handed herself for plagiarizing, copying another blogger’s (Miyake) pics for advertorial without quoting any source, and on top of not defending herself and deleting the comment when she was exposed, she even got her ass-kissing friends to verbally abuse the commenters.. You can read about it here

    The gurugossipers did a great job in taking screenshots and exposing her. Does Nuffnang practise any professional work ethics at all? Of course bloggers make misakes too, but is this the way to handle it when they’re exposed? Just becos they received fake diamonds from xiaxue which was from a sponsor, they all join hands to attack commenters like cyber gangsters.

  • Finally KARMA is coming to bite her.. suffer bitch suffer!!! I hope the author will keep updating this blog. Please write about Michelle Phan- her plagiarism, denying plastic surgeries etc., everything XX accused DY of repeatedly but never said anything when Michelle did it. Just google Michelle Phail.

  • I chanced upon this site from XX’s blog post about autism and gurugossiper. I wonder if XX realises the number of supporters she’s loosing. She could have reached 1 million followers by now if so many of her fans have not turn into haters. But I guess it doesn’t really matter to her coz she still thinks she’s the top. And as long as she has Nuffnang and her mother actively looking for sponsorships for her, she just has to continue being a top hypocrite by promoting her son. I feel sorry for that boy. I can’t help noticing that his face is very grumpy looking nowadays. And I stopped watching his videos as he’s too slow and retarded in responding. Does she have to embarrass him like this?

  • SG Bloggers are really pathetic. Before the instapurge nobody boldly admitted that they never bought followers. Now everybody’s clamouring for a chance to boast that they never bought followers and using this instapurge to talk bad about those who did. No surprises that XIAXUE is the one leading in insulting other bloggers claiming that they bought followers and she never did. She accused rival GUSHCLOUD bloggers of buying and faking followers. Well, I don’t see any of the Gushcloud bloggers losing 30K followers like her! Only Nuffnang bloggers have suffered losses. Yes Xiaxue, Instagram has forgotten to purge Gushcloud bloggers… right?

  • Is there any way a major complaint can be made to a government body to blacklist and boycott all her sponsors? She a horrible sadistic bitch and doesn’t deserve anything except insults.

  • great great great writing. very in detail information and evidence to showcase that you are not just blinding throwing accusations at her. can’t wait for the 17th Feb to find out more. she is an extremely sad person, vindictive and evil.

  • Acually I proud of my daughter but sometime she got big mouth like em. That time she steal cloth from isetan and police caught her. very shameful. I slapped her face but all this time she still never change. hope my grand son don’t be like jer bring shame to me. By the way, I never read Grace Tan book. Wendy use my instagram account to tell lie about her. Hope Grace can forgive us.

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