
All posts tagged ShuYin

Grace Tan and Xiaxue : Loose stools vs Loose tongue

Published June 11, 2015 by Xiaxue Police







So it appears that Grace Tan set up a bait to prove to skeptics that Xiaxue is a Cyberbully , and Xiaxue fell right into the trap ?



Source :-




This is even better than the trap Xiaxue spent one year setting up for Gushcloud to fall into using a fake website she created.

It’s better because unlike Xiaxue, nothing about Grace is fake – the medical report about the loose stools is real, the application for a protection order against Xiaxue is real, so is the fact that Xiaxue is a cyberbully which she unabashedly admitted to herself in at least four other occasions.








For one who has gone through excessive hair and facial enhancements through botox, fillers, plastic surgeries, heavy make-up, frequent hair bleaches and rapidly-changing hair colors ……. that leave her looking like a ghoulish apparition






…….. I wonder what gives Xiaxue any right at all to comment on anyone else like Grace Tan’s looks as being “average-looking” or “ugly”.

Take away her drastic enhancements and I really don’t see much difference between Xiaxue and Grace, really.







Xiaxue hypocritically takes offense at Grace for calling her a “pineapple blogger”.

I can’t help but agree that a healthy, juicy, delicious and good-looking tropical fruit shouldn’t be dragged into this awful picture and made to feel insulted. Unfortunately Xiaxue has done her very best to bring much embarrassment to the fruit already.








And now, the moment of truth concerning the “intense” cook-off .

So intense that it even involves sucking up to a “good doctor” as described by Xiaxue.

Even Jamie Oliver has never claimed as “intense” any of his 15-minutes or 30-minutes cooking episodes (yes, I watch his shows).


This was the original post by Xiaxue about the “intense” cook-off, in which she claimed that they were able to whip up 3 dishes and 1 soup in, get this …. ”just 30 minutes”.




When Grace Tan exposed her lie in her “Even the best bloggers lie” blog post, Xiaxue was quick to change her story, laden with abusive language.



This time Xiaxue claims that “it CAN be done in 30 minutes”.


Then after being faced with a potential protection order against her by Grace, Xiaxue changed her story, YET again, this time, maintaining that Dr Tay has successfully tried it only at his home.




Yes I believe that if only one could get really “intense” in his cooking without a disruptive bleached blonde around, it might be perfectly possible to finish 3 dishes and 1 soup in 30 minutes, even if it includes making meatballs from scratch !

But just so everyone knows, even Jamie Oliver had been under fire with countless complaints over his “30 minutes” meals.




Read the full article here :-



Yes yes, Xiaxue is the most “high and mighty” honest person ever around, better than Jamie Oliver the world-renowned celebrity Chef & Restauranteur.

Nobody should doubt whatever Xiaxue says nor challenge her credibility nor expose her lies, otherwise you end up being called a “bitch” , “psycho” , “cunt”, “bipolar”, “nobody” , “idiot” , or whatever her loose tongue feels like rolling out for the day ……




“Bigger person” ??

I had no idea that a bigger person may get to brag that she is the bigger person, especially when the bigger person is a small person for real.

At 147 cm, I don’t think so …..






But I can understand why Xiaxue feels like the “bigger person”.

She must have been anxiously waiting for someone to come along and provoke inspire her so that she can have an excuse to publish a sensational blog post that will help push her blog hits to way more than the 6000 hits that her blog attracts on a normal uneventful day.

She needs someone like Grace Tan to help maintain her lie that she has “40,000” people reading her blog “everyday”. Even if it means lying under oath and breaking her court order not to post anything insulting, she has to rebelliously do exactly what she was NOT supposed to do and hopefully have the last say, hence making herself look like the “bigger person” and winner while Grace Tan looks like a loser.

Because she knew that Grace is not going to purse the legal matter any further, she will not delete that “loose stools” post she was asked to delete, and also failed to show up in court on 26 May for mediation for fear that the judge will order her to remove the post.

Which “bigger person” gives a shit about some court order, for writing about loose stools is so much more important for any blogging queen, right ?


I believe that her actions could amount to contempt of court.

Bigger person ?

More like a bigger bully and an even bigger coward !


I wonder what Xiaxue would do if SMRT (Feedback) against whom she obtained a protection order earlier this year, break their court order too and begin talking shit about her again.

I can only imagine Xiaxue violently exercising her loose tongue by cursing, swearing, even threatening, but legal recourse is not something she’s going to pursue unless she gets a lawyer to act for her for free. Sponsorship.

Not pro-bono in her case, wait paiseh (embarrassed) ; Sponsorship sounds much better and more atas (high-class).

Right, bigger person Xiaxue ?





Get a hold of yourself, Xiaxue! Easy on your enthusiasm.

OK, we understand now that it’s your loose tongue that’s to be blamed, it’s not you, really …. That makes perfect sense now …..






Xiaxue seems distraught that an ardent fan that Grace Tan used to be has suddenly turned into a courtroom accuser.

I hate to be the one reminding you of this Xiaxue, but remember how infatuated a fan of Dawn Yang you used to be ?



What happened ?

Oh yeah, Dawn Yang won the “Singapore’s Hottest” blogger competition and Xiaxue didn’t. That’s when all hell broke loose for Xiaxue and she slowly began displaying symptoms of bipolar in the form of obsessive hatred and revenge leading up to defamation.

If only Xiaxue hadn’t had such a loose tongue, she wouldn’t be turning so many friends and fans into enemies with bipolar flashbacks.





Unfortunately the “bigger person” with the loose tongue couldn’t quite remain true to her promise.



Yeah right !

But you couldn’t resist, could you? When presented with a perfect opportunity to play a game of insults with a fan.





Did Xiaxue think that no one was watching while she secretly engaged in a little bit of “fun” against court orders and against what she promised herself not to do to Grace Tan ?

Then shortly after, she even got her mother, Yipmomo (Doris Yip) to take a swipe at Grace Tan, this time using her mother to spread blatant lies and rumors.





Where. Is. Your. Proof. ?

Xiaxue’s mother, Yipmomo claims that Grace Tan wrote in her book “Blogging for a Living” , that a blogger should “stir a fight with Wendy” for more hits.


But I have a copy of the book which I’ve read from page to page, and cannot find a single part where Grace wrote that.

Please do show us, grandma, where ??

Truth be told, readers. I will set the record straight by showing readers exactly what Grace Tan wrote in her book.

In Page 87 , which I believe is what Yipmomo selectively took out of context and lied about with a deliberate intent to put Grace in bad light as a best-selling book author and award-winning blogger — admirable accomplishments which her daughter Xiaxue who claims to be the “blogging queen” failed to achieve even after more than one decade in blogging.





“Blog wars are out of the question” –- that’s what Grace clearly stated in her book.

Yipmomo completely omitted this part, didn’t she ? How convenient, grandma !

She deliberately chose to mis-quote only the first part, misleading her followers to believe that Grace Tan is some kind of troublemaker. How irresponsible and dishonest of a mother and grandmother to cherry-pick words from a best-selling book, make up lies about the author and mislead her followers like that !

Grace Tan has penned her book in such plain, simple English so that anyone from 10 to 100 years of age can read and understand. Yet the mother of a “mensa genius” can get it wrong.

With an unintelligent mother like that, I can now see crystal clearly why Xiaxue has turned out the way she is today.

Actually Grace has mentioned Xiaxue a number of times in her book –- all in good light, singing nothing but praises of Xiaxue. But the ONE time Grace did not write positively about Xiaxue, Yipmomo twisted words completely out of context in order to cast aspersions on the best-selling author.

And then the mother-daughter lying team scratch their heads like apes and wonder why drag things to court !



Xiaxue the narcissistic snob thinks that the whole world only revolves around her and that this is how Grace Tan will be remembered ….



Is it how Grace Tan will truly be remembered, is it how Xiaxue wants Grace Tan to be remembered ?


Did anyone notice how Xiaxue in her condescending, court-order-violating “loose stools” blog post, in her attempts to repeatedly put down Grace Tan, went on and on about Grace’s low number of twitter and instagram followers, her calling herself an “award-winning” blogger conducting blogging workshops, and being “average” , “insignificant” and “unimportant” ?



But she made absolutely NO mention about Grace Tan’s Facebook as well as Migme accounts which have high followings, which are Grace’s main social media platforms.

NO mention was made that Grace Tan’s book was a best-selling book sharing bookshelves with books about (the late) Lee Kuan Yew.

NO mention was made that Grace is an award-winning blogger ever since she received her award from a top minister in Singapore.

NO mention was also made by Xiaxue that Grace Tan is listed as one of the TOP BLOGGERS in Singapore, not far from Xiaxue actually where Xiaxue stands at No. 8 (Aiyoh, you mean Xiaxue’s not the top blogger in Singapore or Asia Pacific? Yeap ! ***slaps forehead*** ).

Not to mention, other accomplishments of Grace too many to list in this post, but you’ll have to read her book and her blog to find out more.


Did I mention that Grace was even invited to the Malaysian Social Media Week to speak right after the former Malaysian Prime Minister. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad ? That was the time Xiaxue and her fans decided to strike with attempts to ruin the important occasion for Grace.

Jealousy and revenge.


“You mean the one who claims to be Asia-Pacific’s top blogger wasn’t invited to the Malaysia Social Media Week ? ”

Apparently No. … Xiaxue was busy writing a blog post about loose stools.









Source :-



Xiaxue cherry-picked only on trivia that mattered the least to Grace Tan or her followers or her many advertisers, clients and interviewees , making sure her readers never find out about Grace’s major accomplishments.

And then calls herself the “bigger person” who ain’t a bully !





In case readers are wondering why Xiaxue would go through such sneaky lengths just to put down and humiliate Grace Tan, well here’s the reason I believe why ……






It must be painful for someone who claims to be the “blogging queen” to find herself being left out, far behind, while other more talented, younger bloggers are doing better and achieving so much more and carving impressive names for themselves.

Humiliating them is perhaps the only way for Xiaxue to make herself feel better. She did it to Dawn Yang, Eunice Annabel, Yan Kay Kay, many other bloggers and influencers, and now Grace Tan.

Even if she has to lie on oath and violate court orders, Xiaxue has proven that she will not hesitate to do it. She’s hungry for power, and as a blogger for Xiaxue, there appears to be no other way except publish blog posts concealed with LIES, exaggerations and insults, often ending her posts with ghoulish apparition-like selfies to scoop in the attention and drive up her hits to “40,000” .

Troublemaker at her best. Now her mother is also stooping to her low level.






Yipmomo, in your blind and ignorant support for your daughter with similar loose tongue, you emulate her in spreading lies and rumors and end up getting featured in xiaxueexposed website ……. complete with a nice endearing picture of course.

You’re welcome.


As a matter of fact, Xiaxue gave full credit to her mother for her “volatile” behavior in a magazine interview. So we can’t really blame Xiaxue entirely for her loose tongue. She inherited it.




I would conclude that Xiaxue’s lame attempt to prove that she did not bully Grace Tan is an utter and complete FAILURE.





Other words used by Xiaxue that Grace did not mention here are “idiot”, “dull”, “insignificant”…

What more evidence do you need, cynics ??

Does Xiaxue, or any other cyberbully for that matter, have to resort to death threats before you will believe ?


It appears that Xiaxue has such a poor self-esteem that she thinks that unless she loads her posts or comments with insults and profanities, no one’s gonna pay attention to her nor respond. She needs attention and she needs it fast.

She gets unnecessarily offended many a times when she thinks that people are attacking her. That’s when she subconsciously turns into a cyberbully. For one bad comment that offends her, she must hurl back 10 nasty names due to her inability to communicate effectively or professionally.

If you want to call yourself the “Most Influential” blogger and flaunt an award for that, then learn some effective communication skills for starters !

Whether Xiaxue wants to admit it or not, it’s usually the guilt-ridden ones or under-achievers that get overtly aggressive and defensive like her. She calls it poking a “sleeping dragon”. She’s a coward if you ask me. In person, she acts “friendly” and all and knows how to keep her tongue tamed. Behind her computer or gadget however, her loose tongue gets out of control. The legal term for what she calls “sleeping dragon” is of course “cyberbully” .



Source :-






Quit being obsessed with yourself, Xiaxue. That site I created isn’t just about you alone, it’s about your company Nuffnang’s unprofessional and unethical practices, starting at the top from your Boss Ming.

Instead of merely brushing it off as a “horrible hate site”, how about addressing the things I’ve exposed about you and your company, if you dare.

The very things you accused Gushcloud of, Nuffnang appears to be guilty of in worst proportions. That’s why you redacted the URL, didn’t you? You don’t want your readers finding out the ugly truths about Nuffnang. It’s just too “horrible” for you to be confronted with it.



The baboon GIF that Xiaxue pulled off to entertain Gushcloud …… yeah I finally see the striking resemblance now.










According to Xiaxue ,



Xiaxue claims that Grace Tan harassed her, provoked her and insulted her.

She also claims that Grace Tan wrote about her negatively 11 times.


Let’s take a close look at each of the 11 (or more) “negative” times that Xiaxue raised in her blog post.


I bet it didn’t occur to most readers to scrutinize such details because you assume that just because Xiaxue claims to be “Asia Pacific top blogger”, “blogging queen” , “mensa genius” or whatever , she’s got it all covered and there cannot be anything vaguely suspicious about her posts.

Even if there had been one or two readers who suspected something and dropped her a comment, she probably blocked those comments, which explains why all the comments you see in her blog only sing praises of her like a chorus. NOT ONE negative comment in there. That shows how extremely biased and one-sided she has skewed the contents in her blog.


Bigger person.





Xiaxue did LIED to her readers.

The entire cooking session on the set took roughly 1.5 hours, NOT “just 30 minutes” as Xiaxue originally claimed.

Xiaxue admitted it herself that Dr. Tay tried it successfully only at his home, which by the way, is not proven either.

Just because he’s a doctor and he serves Nuffnang too, viewers are supposed to give him benefit of doubt. Because Nuffnang is the base where all the honest and ethical bloggers are known to congregate.





SMRT (Feedback) was right. They got more likes on this post than Xiaxue’s blog reach per day.

They got 30,838 likes.

Grace Tan simply shared this FB post about Xiaxue, which by the way, is a satirical website that no one else except Xiaxue takes seriously.

Did Grace say anything insulting about Xiaxue ?





Xiaxue (and Shuyin) were upset that Grace copied Shuyin’s words.

Did Grace insult Xiaxue in any way here ?

Any offensive, derogatory words used by Grace to describe Shuyin’s post ?

For example, did Grace went …. “Shuyin is an absolute psycho attention-seeking cunt ; no good will come out of reading her post, morons. Any idiot can write a post like her ” ?





That’s right. Grace merely linked a blog post of SMRT (Feedback). Whether that post has been taken down or not, it doesn’t matter. I understand that it’s still available online in other sites, which anyone can link to anytime…. Is that against the law ?

Again, did Grace Tan say anything insulting or derogatory about Xiaxue ?

Any offensive name-calling involved ?





Which is the truth —- her “Asia Pacific top blogger” title is given by herself. If not, how DID she get the title anyway ?

Did some Minister awarded her the title ?

Did the Singapore government gave her the title ?

Did the Asia Pacific government gave her the title ?

Did her company Nuffnang award her the title ?

Oh wait, it did…

The same company in which she has a stake as a shareholder. That’s it, that’s the company that claims that Xiaxue is Asia Pacific’s top blogger !

But is she really ? Proof ? Statistics please …..

Last time I checked, another blogger by the name of BRAD LAU seems to be on top.




I also took a screenshot of Xiaxue’s instagram page on the same day.




Ooops !!

What happened, Xiaxue ? Why so far behind ?? I remember Brad was far behind you months ago, he seems to be progressing at a crazy speed.

Catch up quick Xiaxue ! If only you don’t spend so much time blocking followers every day, you wouldn’t be falling behind like that. Naomi Neo is going to be the next one who will overtake you for sure, judging from the crazy speed her followers count is increasing. And she’s only 19 !

While these bloggers boast of rapidly-increasing followers. Xiaxue can only boast about her rapidly-changing hair color.

Here’s an idea for you, Xiaxue. Why not buy some fake followers from the website you are promoting in your blog ?

Time to abdicate your “blogging queen” title already lah …. If you’re really the “bigger person” as you claim.





Yes, that’s all there is to it. It’s just a “snide remark”.. It’s a freaking joke, for crying out loud.

Again, absolutely NO mention is made by Xiaxue that she has been humiliated or hurt by this as there was no insults involved.





That’s right, Grace merely links up an article published by Mothership. She did NOT write it.

Again here, there’s NO mention by Xiaxue that she was insulted by Grace, not even when called a “pineapple” blogger.





How is this defamatory?

Well guess what, readers ?

SMRT (Feedback) had been right all along. Nuffnang did announced on 26 May 2015 that it’s planning to list in the Australian Securities Exchange. Google to find out more if you’re interested.

Is Xiaxue, a shareholder of Nuffnang, claiming that she had no idea this was going to happen when she published the blog post about Gushcloud in December 2014 ?

How is it that SMRT (Feedback), who has no affiliation whatsoever with Nuffnang, knew about this before Xiaxue ??!!

Did Xiaxue say that their blog post was full of “arrant rubbish” ?





Again here, Grace Tan merely shared a website, then expressed fear that Xiaxue may attack her online anytime, because by that point in time, Xiaxue has already written many insulting, derogatory comments about her to the point that Grace had to make 2 police complaints against her.





Sorry, but what “offensive” picture of the “likers” ?

I don’t get it. Did Grace vandalize the likers’ pictures in any way? Did she mention anything insulting or derogatory about the likers or Xiaxue ??

All I see is a screenshot of the likers and their profession. If the likers didn’t like being screenshot and exposed like that, they could have simply defended themselves like Smith Leong did. Is that too much to ask ?





OK so this was a misunderstanding, which Xiaxue has clarified.

Now all of us are enlightened. We understand perfectly well what a great mother Xiaxue is …. getting herself not into one, but TWO legal troubles so far, so that her son can feel proud of her some day.

Because sacrificing sleep to bring her son to the Zoo to look at baboons makes her a far better role model than staying out of legal trouble or other offensive imprints.






I have absolutely NO idea why Xiaxue would post this up as a “negative” “proof”.

But whatever it was that Grace had for dinner, I WANT !!!






This is “negative” because ……………………….. ?????







Seriously ??

This is “negative” how ?

Stop kidding yourself, Xiaxue. I’m sure it’s in your bucket list somewhere that you wish you had a snack named after you. Just make sure people don’t end up having loose stools after consuming it.

By the way, Grace did address this in her “Small Xiaxue” blog post.









In all the above “negative” scenarios that Xiaxue attempted to use as “evidences” to prove that Grace Tan “harassed”, “provoked” and “insulted” her, I don’t see her complaining ONE TIME that Grace has hurt or humiliated her.


Grace did not even address her directly. She exposed her LIES, linked up some websites of SMRT, Mothership or mine, or passed some snide remarks remotely referencing to Xiaxue in “pineapple” hashtags. In some of the above instances, I don’t even know what’s so “negative” about Grace’s posts. Perhaps Xiaxue’s ego was hurt but in order to appear like a strong “bigger person”, she didn’t want to express out loud that Grace Tan has hurt her.


You see, it’s a lose-lose situation for Xiaxue.

If she admits that she was hurt, she will appear weak and will imagine Grace gleefully gloating over it. If she didn’t admit that she was hurt, then it goes to show no harassment on the part of Grace Tan. Either way, Xiaxue comes out a loser.


PRIOR TO THE COURT CASE, Xiaxue never had problems with the above posts by Grace Tan .


ONLY AFTER being slapped with a court order, Xiaxue suddenly claims that Grace Tan “harassed”, “provoked” and “insulted” her.

Xiaxue claims that she didn’t object earlier because she was the …. BIGGER PERSON ?


I put it to you that Xiaxue kept quiet because she didn’t want to be seen embarrassing herself by arguing with a best-selling author, whose book Xiaxue wished she has authored instead. I’m sure it’s in her bucket list somewhere.

Xiaxue reiterated so herself that she used her private and personal account to comment. Why? What bearing was that supposed to have served in mitigating her abusive language ?

A LOT of people talk about Xiaxue on a daily basis, even going so far of saying that her son looks retarded and autistic, her husband is a western midget or a middle-aged lesbian and Xiaxue is ……. whatever.

But I don’t see a single time where Grace referred to Xiaxue in a derogatory manner. You mean Grace Tan is not allowed to talk about Xiaxue at all ?


There’s a huge difference between writing “negatively” about someone, and insulting them ; Xiaxue has conveniently lumped the two together and passed it off as “bullying” on the part of Grace while discharging herself from any responsibility.

Then hypocitically acts like a poor victim in need of shelter.

The same person who wrote in her book that “blog wars are out of the question” , supposedly “harassed, provoked and insulted” Xiaxue like a bully. That’s how Xiaxue and her mother have manipulated Xiaxue’s side of the story.

Xiaxue seems fine with people talking bad about her or even about her family as long as no court case in involved. As long as her rice bowl is not affected.

After all she has too many haters to overcome each day, how to fight with all of them? She ignores them not because she’s the “bigger person” as she claims, but because she feels helpless and tired of them. If she could simply block them and get rid of them as she often does , Xiaxue would still brag that she’s the “bigger person”.


I’m not surprised that the mainstream media such as the StraitsTimes and ChannelNewsAsia decided not to report on Xiaxue’s side of the story. With a blog full of LIES, contradictions and exaggerations, she has more or less lost her credibility and is no longer viewed as newsworthy.


It might appear that her lawyer has done a “great” job by stopping Grace Tan in her track of obtaining a protection order against Xiaxue.

But you know something, readers ? He screwed up on 2 occasions though.


1. He allowed Xiaxue to LIE under oath and violate court order by publishing the “loose stools” blog post. That very post has turned out to be a damning corroboration of Grace Tan’s accusation that Xiaxue is a cyberbully.


2. He invited Grace Tan for a private lunch by sending her an email, then when rejected by her, he claimed that it was a mistake email and attempted to silence her by threatening to sue her for circulating it to his bosses.


Yes, now everyone knows that lawyers make mistakes too, especially amateur ones.





If Xiaxue did not bully Grace Tan and the real bully is Grace as some people think, then why didn’t Xiaxue turn up in court for mediation on 26 May ?

Why has she suddenly gone into hiding especially after claiming that she has a “very strong” case ?




I believe this is how Xiaxue wants the case settled.


Xiaxue wants Grace Tan to accept consolation in the claim that whatever Xiaxue did to her is “ very mild compared to what she has done to others ”.

Like that was supposed to make Grace feel better.



If calling Grace a psycho, cunt, idiot, bitch, bipolar, plagiarizer and more ….. is “very mild” according to Xiaxue , I cannot imagine what worse things she could have said or done to other people !


Let me guess. Did she commit grand larceny again ?

Whose toilet paper rolls did Xiaxue steal this time ??