Xiaxue hates Altruism

Published July 30, 2014 by Xiaxue Police


How many of you reading this can honestly say that Xiaxue has selflessly and sacrificially done something good for you or for someone else ?

Or at least you know of someone who knows someone who knows someone … who has been helped by her ?

There hasn’t been one instance of Xiaxue engaging in any kind of charity work or a genuine good deed in her entire blog that spans 11 years, where she confidently shamelessly shares, flaunts and brags about almost everything else.

She’d rather spend time ranting online, exaggerating excuses as to why she hates and refuses to support open altruism.




Not long after her rants, a new post emerged from her recounting in detail and bragging about her rare “good deed”, to which she expected nothing less than praises, support and more praises.

Whatever suddenly happened to her adamant stance on “privacy” ?


Here are excerpts :-



Long story short — she called the police because some road barricades near where she lives when she was driving home got displaced and pushed out by strong winds into other road lanes with potential to cause collisions.

Note that the last time she called the police concerning the 3 drunkard Bangladeshis was also due an incident which happened close to her home.

These two “good deeds” – apparently the only ones on record – were performed by her only because they

– directly affected her
– happened close to her home
– bothered her badly
– and she personally gained something out of the deeds as she fears damaging her sponsored car and lives in constant phobia of Bangladeshi men even when they’re sober..


After all it’s just 3-minute phone calls to the police, the daunting feat was over and done with, didn’t cost her a cent, there’s nothing else she needed to do, problems solved, she was so pleased she got to help some neighbors, motorists and especially herself.

Well done, Most Influential blogger !






What is Altruism ?

According the dictionaries ….




Here are some examples of bloggers who went OUT OF THEIR WAY to engage in genuine SELFLESS and SACRIFICIAL charity work , and they weren’t embarrassed private about it :-


Mr Brown – http://www.mrbrown.com/blog/2014/06/mrbrown-goes-barefoot-for-a-day.html

Audrey Ooi – http://fourfeetnine.com/2014/04/07/stand-and-deliver/

Dawn Yang – http://dawnyang.sg/?p=42

Sara Shantelle Lim – http://www.sgsisters.com/2013/01/kidz-horizon-charity-gala-ball-at.html

Estelle Kiora – http://loveyouwrongtime.com/day-1-of-typhoon-haiyan-disaster-relief-trip-to-philippines-cebu-live-updates-from-singapore-volunteers/




Audrey Ooi has a baby less than a year old.

Mr Brown (Lee Kin Mun) has THREE children, one of whom demands a lot of care and attention as she is autistic, AND he has a business to run.

Dawn Yang has a business to run.

Sara Shantelle Lim has a business to run.

Estelle Kiora has …. Urr … no idea, but she always looks busy.


These are popular bloggers who dare to bare all about their altruism because they know that’s what a famous internet personality is expected to do – motivate, encourage, positively influence, introduce a good cause and set a good example – and people will believe what they see on screen , NOT what is done in secret by an internet personality whose main visibility is only in cyberspace.

Does Xiaxue have a problem with them not “privatizing” their altruism ?

Can she find and show us one dictionary that includes “privacy” as a condition for true altruism ?

What about Xiaxue, what has been up to beside bitching / blocking / blogging ? I’m not aware of her involvement in any other business except mostly staying at home while up to 3 people take care of one baby – her mom, her domestic maid and/or her friend.


Coming back to her anti-altruistic rants …

As always, when she couldn’t handle disagreements and criticisms by some followers who confronted her for being a hypocrite and bad influence for trying to discourage open altruism, she conveniently BLOCKED them and got rid of them.



Xiaxue then proceeded to contradict herself further ….



Looking at her track record of being a lying hypocrite for which she has nothing to say in her defense (see my last blog post below) , why should readers believe that ?

Can she elaborate ? What kind of help has she rendered and to whom ?

There are no records in her blog and nobody knows.

Why not temporarily suspend her privacy and share with readers what exactly she has done for people in their times of need, to prove that she’s not lying ?

If you’re that someone whom she helped, can you come forth to vouch for her ?

Or is she covering up the truth that she never really has gone out of her way to help anyone or do anything good for anyone ?


She has no fans with any intelligence to be insulted, only ex-fans and non-fans see through her, so thanks for the compliment.



While Xiaxue is probably by now seething with rage for not being able to wield her blocking powers over me like a witch and get rid of me permanently , perhaps this will be the one rare opportunity she can use to convince herself and others that she’s worthy of the Most Influential title by sharing one genuine good deed that she claims to have done privately..





So why be so secretive and embarrassed about her good deeds when it can get her the self-worth, respect and praises she demands ?


Unless we hear some real testimonies, I would conclude that Xiaxue is using FALSE HUMILITY to promote private altruism.





10 comments on “Xiaxue hates Altruism

  • Audrey Ooi may be altruist but she’s also a hypocritical bitch that joined XX in insulting DY. She also had badass things to say about rival company Gushcloud about the same time that XX wrote her defamatory post about Gushcloud. All this Nuffnang bloggers are waiting to destroy Gushcloud.

  • xiaxue will never donate until something terrible strike her own family. she’s cursed with a stingy husband that love her sponsorships more than her. Poeple with no true love and happiness will never be able to give back to others.

  • Why does the Singapore media tolerate, no actually embrace. Why does the SG media embrace Xiaxue and her antics? Is Singapore experiencing a drought in the entertainment department that it has to resort in giving Wendy Cheng attention? Why do they invite her to do charity events when she said that altruism is a private affair. She even thinks lowly of altruistic people and she brings them down with her words. the SG media scene is so dumb for not doing their research. I would like to think the reason why they invite her is just so they can have a freak show on the side. A comic relief, not that she’s funny but a comic relief in a sense you would find a monkey funny.

  • XX is an utter embarrassment to Singapore and Singaporeans. Most Singaporeans are ashamed of her and look down on her. Singaporeans are usually altruistic, so please XX don’t embarrass us by calling yourself a Singaporean. You are a disgrace and a menace to our society who don’t deserve any sponsorships at all. Stupid evil rotten mutherfukking whore!

  • I really hate it when I ‘m watching TV and her face suddenly appears in that disgusting TyreQUeen ad. SPOILS MY MOOD to the max! Mediacorp get this leech off the TV for heaven’s sake!

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